Moscow in 1 day
If you only have just a little time to get to know the city of Moscow, we suggest that you tour the most culturally significant sights in the city, and at the same time learn a lot of interesting things about Russian culture :
Moscow in 2 days
We will show you the most varied facets of the city: history, artwork, architecture, and daily life. In only two days, you can become a genuine expert on the city.
Moscow in 3 days
This travel itinerary will let you see Moscow in different ways, both as a guest and as a local Muscovite, you will visit many places and learn a lot about Russian culture and life. The atmosphere of the city will definitely steal a way into your heart after such a profound immersion into the history and culture of Moscow during this 3-day tour.
Moscow in 4 days
Four days in Moscow is long enough to study the city from A to Z, from the famous must-see sights to the unusual and unique ones that tourists rarely visit.